
Thursday, November 18, 2004

Ocampo Family Garage Sale!!!

My girlfriend's family is having a garage sale. All readers of my blog are invited to come. It's at 46 Montilla Street, BF Home, Paranaque, Metro Manila. Indulge me in my little composition called The Garage Sale

Ah yes, the garage sale
Truly they aren't just for males
Spend some time to browse and look
Heck, who knows you might find a rare book

It's a place of wonder and surprises
Not to mention good stuff at darn cheap prices
So get off your butt you lazy bum
Go to the Ocampo garage sale and have some fun!!!

The sign says it all.

The garage sale before the opening. There is a lot more stuff now.

Exercise gear!!! You often saw these in informercials and from friends who never seem to use them. You have an inclined bench, a threadmill (folded up), a stepper, an "ab roller," an "ab flex" and another "ab-(place verb here)" thingee.

Shoes and shoeracks. Most of these have already been bought. Most of these are size 6.

Behind the scenes putting price tags on everything. From left to right: Tito Pete (Maui's dad who is partly cut-off), Elaine (Maui's cousin) and Tintin (Maui's sister).

Uhm, Koji (the cute guinea pig) is not for sale. I just wanted to include her picture hehehe.

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